The Hangy Ball
And regardless of the great all-knowing Wikipedia says, my uvula gave me more trouble than it is worth. On a Friday night full of harmless, responsible 22 year old fun, I had no idea what was in store for me. After much festivities we retired from downtown Portsmouth to a friends apartment, where much crashing on aero-beds was to be had. The next morning, however, was pretty much the worst morning I've ever had.
You are all thinking right now, "oh, you had too much to drink and had a shitty hangover. Dumb move on your part." However, you are sadly mistaken. While I did experience some of common side effects of good times, they were no where near as heinous as what I or anyone else may have experienced. It felt as if I had a soar throat. But most of my throat felt fine. It did however, feel like something was occasionally closing up my air passages. And it was moving around in the back of my throat. After feeling it move up towards the roof of my mouth, I felt it with my tongue and determined it to be my uvula. It was inflamed, or extra long that morning, or something. I don't know what or why, but something was fucking with my uvula.
I figured that this would subside soon, as I had taken some ibuprofen, and I thought that maybe that would act as an anti-inflammatory. Well I was wrong. That son of a bitch stayed inflamed, and the whole ride back to Durham was horrible because of my damned uvula. It was moving around all over the place in the back of my throat and making me feel like puking.
Things only got worse as I decided that, after spending the night in a dirty hippie's apartment on an air mattress in all the clothes I wore the night before, I should take a shower. As I was rinsing my hair, I leaned my head back and then BAM!! The uvula was in a strange position, and it was sending my gag-reflex into a frenzy. Before I knew it I was dry heaving on the floor of the shower gagging non stop. After about 45 seconds of misery I finally was able to stick my finger in the back of my throat and reposition the uvula and cease the convulsions.
I'm not sure what caused that to happen, and quite frankly, I don't want to know. I have a feeling that something strange and terrible was done to me over night.